The Last Of Us 2023 – Season 1 Episode 6 Review


Welcome To The Last Of Us 2023 – Season 1 Episode 6 Review. Joel and Ellie continue their journey west, arriving in Wyoming in search of Tommy, Joel’s brother. They find an abandoned Firefly lab at the University of Eastern Colorado, but the Fireflies are gone. While searching the lab, Joel is stabbed by a raider and they are forced to flee.

Joel’s injury worsens and he eventually collapses from blood loss. Ellie begs him to get up, but he is unconscious. She finds a nearby cabin and seeks help from an elderly couple, Marlon and Florence. Marlon is reluctant to help at first, but Florence convinces him to let Ellie stay.

Marlon and Florence tend to Joel’s wound and he eventually regains consciousness. They explain that they are survivors of a nearby settlement that was attacked by raiders. Marlon is bitter about the experience and has become distrustful of strangers.

The Last Of Us 2023 – Season 1 Episode 6 Review
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Ellie learns that Marlon and Florence are from Jackson, Wyoming, a settlement that is rumored to be safe and prosperous. She convinces Joel to go there, hoping that they will be able to find Tommy and get Joel the medical help he needs.

Joel and Ellie arrive in Jackson and are greeted by Maria, Tommy’s wife. Maria is initially wary of Ellie, but she eventually agrees to let them stay. Joel and Tommy reunite, but their relationship is strained. Joel is reluctant to tell Tommy about Ellie’s immunity and Tommy is angry that Joel has been keeping secrets from him.

Joel’s injury continues to worsen and he collapses again. Maria insists that he go to the settlement doctor, but Joel refuses. He is afraid that the doctor will discover Ellie’s immunity and that the Fireflies will come after her.

Ellie is frustrated by Joel’s stubbornness and she confronts him about it. She tells him that she is tired of being kept in the dark and that she wants to know why he is so overprotective of her. Joel finally confesses that he is afraid of losing her, just like he lost his daughter, Sarah.

Ellie tells Joel that she understands his fear, but that she is not Sarah. She is strong and capable, and she can take care of herself. She also tells him that she trusts him and that she wants to continue their journey together.

Joel is moved by Ellie’s words and he finally agrees to let the doctor examine him. The doctor tells Joel that he needs surgery to remove the bullet and repair his damaged intestine. Joel is hesitant at first, but he eventually agrees to the surgery.

The surgery is a success and Joel makes a full recovery. While he is recovering, he and Tommy have a heart-to-heart conversation. Joel admits to Tommy that he was wrong to keep him in the dark about Ellie’s immunity. He also tells Tommy that he is proud of the man he has become.

Tommy tells Joel that he is welcome to stay in Jackson with him and Maria. However, he understands that Joel and Ellie have a mission to complete. He gives them a map to Salt Lake City, where the Fireflies are rumored to be based.

Joel and Ellie decide to continue their journey west. They know that there are dangers ahead, but they are determined to find a cure for the infection and save the world.

Action and Direction

The action and direction of episode 6 of The Last of Us season 1 is more focused on character development and relationship dynamics than on high-octane action sequences. However, there are still a few notable action beats, and the direction is masterful throughout.


The episode begins with a tense encounter between Joel and Ellie and a group of horseback riders. Joel and Ellie are outnumbered and outgunned, but they manage to escape thanks to Joel’s quick thinking and Ellie’s marksmanship.
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Later in the episode, Joel and Ellie are ambushed by a group of raiders while they are investigating a Firefly base. Joel is stabbed in the gut during the fight, but he and Ellie manage to escape once again.

The action in episode 6 is well-choreographed and exciting to watch, but it is also used to serve the story and character development. For example, the scene in which Joel and Ellie are ambushed by the raiders highlights Joel’s vulnerability and Ellie’s growing strength and resilience.


The direction of episode 6 is masterful, and it helps to create a sense of suspense, atmosphere, and emotion throughout. The use of close-ups and handheld camerawork is particularly effective, as it allows the audience to feel close to the characters and experience their emotions firsthand.

One particularly well-directed scene is the scene in which Joel and Ellie have a heart-to-heart conversation about their hopes and dreams for the future. The scene is shot in a single take, with the camera slowly panning around the table as Joel and Ellie speak. This creates a sense of intimacy and connection between the characters, and it also allows the audience to focus on their facial expressions and body language.

Another notable scene is the scene in which Joel is stabbed by the raiders. The scene is shot from Joel’s perspective, which allows the audience to experience the pain and fear that he is feeling. The scene is also edited in a choppy, disorienting way, which further conveys Joel’s state of mind.

Overall, the action and direction in episode 6 of The Last of Us season 1 are both excellent. The action is well-choreographed and exciting to watch, and the direction is masterful and helps to create a sense of suspense, atmosphere, and emotion throughout the episode.

Character Development 

Episode 6 of The Last of Us season 1, titled “Kin,” is a pivotal moment in the character development of Joel and Ellie. It is the first time in the series that we see Joel truly open up to someone about his past and his feelings, and it is also the first time that we see Ellie truly confront her own grief and trauma.


Joel has been hardened by the world around him. He has lost so much and learned that he can only rely on himself. He has refused to let anyone get close to him, for fear of losing them as well. But in Episode 6, Joel finally confesses his deepest fears to Tommy, his brother. He admits that he is scared of losing Ellie, and that he doesn’t know if he is strong enough to protect her.

The Last Of Us 2023 – Season 1 Episode 6 Review
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This is a huge moment of character development for Joel. It shows that he is starting to let his guard down and trust people again. It also shows that he is starting to care about Ellie deeply, even though he doesn’t want to admit it.


Ellie has also been traumatized by her experiences in the post-apocalyptic world. She has seen and done terrible things, and she has lost people she cares about. In Episode 6, Ellie finally confesses to Joel that she tried and failed to save Sam. This is a huge burden that she has been carrying, and it is finally starting to take its toll on her.

Joel tells Ellie that she is not responsible for Sam’s death, but Ellie still feels guilty. She feels like she should have been able to do more to save him. This guilt is what drives her to want to find the Fireflies and find a cure for the infection. She believes that if she can find a cure, she will be able to make amends for Sam’s death.

Episode 6 is a major turning point for both Joel and Ellie. It is the first time that we see them truly open up to each other and start to heal from their past traumas. This character development is essential to the story of The Last of Us, and it makes Joel and Ellie even more relatable and sympathetic characters.

In addition to Joel and Ellie’s character development, Episode 6 also introduces us to Tommy and Maria, two new characters who play important roles in the story. Tommy is Joel’s brother, and he has built a thriving community in Jackson County, Wyoming. Maria is Tommy’s wife, and she is pregnant with their first child.

Joel and Ellie are initially welcomed into the community, but it soon becomes clear that Joel is not comfortable with the idea of settling down. He is still haunted by his past, and he doesn’t believe that he deserves to be happy.

Ellie, on the other hand, is drawn to the sense of community that Jackson County offers. She has never had a real home before, and she is starting to see Tommy and Maria as surrogate parents. However, she knows that she cannot stay in Jackson County forever. She has a mission to complete, and she must eventually continue on her journey to find the Fireflies.

Episode 6 of The Last of Us is a masterclass in character development. It is a deeply emotional and thought-provoking episode that will stay with you long after you watch it.

Visual Effects and Cinematography

The visual effects in The Last of Us episode 6 are top-notch, and they help to create a truly immersive and believable post-apocalyptic world. Some of the most impressive VFX work in the episode includes:

 The creation of the infected city of Kansas City. The city is vast and detailed, with its own unique atmosphere and aesthetic. The VFX team used a combination of CGI and practical effects to create the city, and the results are truly stunning.

The Last Of Us 2023 – Season 1 Episode 6 Review
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 The Clicker attack at the power plant. The Clickers are one of the most iconic enemies from the video game, and the VFX team did a fantastic job of bringing them to life in the TV series. The Clicker attack sequence is both tense and suspenseful, and it’s a great example of how VFX can be used to create truly memorable and terrifying moments.

 The CGI horse and rider. In one scene, Joel and Ellie encounter a horse and rider in the wilderness. The horse and rider are both completely CGI, but they look so realistic that it’s hard to tell. This is a testament to the skill of the VFX team, and it shows how far CGI technology has come in recent years.


The cinematography in episode 6 is also excellent. The directors of photography use a variety of techniques to create a sense of atmosphere and suspense. Some of the most notable shots in the episode include:

 The long shot of Joel and Ellie walking across the bridge at the beginning of the episode. This shot is both beautiful and ominous, and it perfectly sets the tone for the rest of the episode.

 The close-up shots of Joel and Ellie during the Clicker attack sequence. These shots help to convey the intensity of the situation and the terror that Joel and Ellie are feeling.

 The wide shot of the infected city of Kansas City. This shot gives viewers a sense of the scale and scope of the city, and it also helps to convey the sense of danger and isolation that Joel and Ellie are feeling.

Overall, the visual effects and cinematography in episode 6 of The Last of Us are top-notch. The VFX team does a fantastic job of creating a believable and immersive post-apocalyptic world, and the directors of photography use a variety of techniques to create a sense of atmosphere and suspense.

Examples of Visual Effects and Cinematography in Episode 6

Here are a few specific examples of the visual effects and cinematography in episode 6 of The Last of Us:

 The scene where Joel and Ellie are crossing the bridge at the beginning of the episode is a great example of how the VFX team can create a sense of scale and scope. The bridge is huge and imposing, and the VFX team does a great job of making it look like it’s part of a real world.

The scene where Joel and Ellie are attacked by the Clickers at the power plant is a great example of how the VFX team can create a sense of suspense and horror.

The Clickers are terrifying creatures, and the VFX team does a great job of bringing them to life. The scene is also well-shot, with the directors of photography using a variety of close-ups and wide shots to create a sense of chaos and claustrophobia.

 The scene where Joel and Ellie encounter the horse and rider in the wilderness is a great example of how the VFX team can create realistic CGI characters and environments.

The Last Of Us 2023 – Season 1 Episode 6 Review
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The horse and rider look so real that it’s hard to tell that they’re CGI. The scene is also well-shot, with the directors of photography using a wide shot to convey the sense of isolation and wilderness.

Overall, the visual effects and cinematography in episode 6 of The Last of Us are excellent. The VFX team does a fantastic job of creating a believable and immersive post-apocalyptic world, and the directors of photography use a variety of techniques to create a sense of atmosphere and suspense.


Episode 6: Kin of The Last of Us season 1 introduces the audience to Jackson, Wyoming, a settlement that has managed to thrive in the post-apocalyptic world. The episode focuses on the world-building of Jackson, contrasting it with the harsh and dangerous world outside.

Jackson is a walled-off community that is well-defended against both infected and raiders. It has its own infrastructure, including a power grid, farms, and workshops. Jackson also has a strong sense of community, with its residents working together to build a better future.

The Last Of Us 2023 – Season 1 Episode 6 Review
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The world-building of Jackson is evident in the episode’s many details, such as:

 The community’s well-organized defenses, including its walls, watchtowers, and patrol routes.

 The functioning infrastructure, including the power grid, farms, and workshops.

 The thriving community, with its residents working together to build a better future. This is evident in the episode’s many scenes of people interacting with each other, such as the children playing in the snow, the families celebrating the holidays, and the adults working together to maintain the community.

Contrasting Jackson with the World Outside

The episode also contrasts Jackson with the harsh and dangerous world outside. This is evident in the episode’s many scenes of Joel and Ellie’s journey to Jackson, such as:

  •  The abandoned towns and villages.
  •  The overgrown roads and highways.
  •  The dangerous infected and raiders.

The contrast between Jackson and the world outside highlights the community’s resilience and hope. It also shows that it is possible to build a better future in the post-apocalyptic world.

Symbolism of Jackson

Jackson can also be seen as a symbol of hope and resilience in the face of adversity. It is a community that has managed to thrive in the post-apocalyptic world, despite the many challenges it faces. Jackson’s success is a testament to the human spirit and its ability to overcome even the most difficult circumstances.

Episode 6 of The Last of Us season 1 does an excellent job of world-building, introducing the audience to Jackson, Wyoming, and its residents. The episode contrasts Jackson with the harsh and dangerous world outside, highlighting the community’s resilience and hope. Jackson can also be seen as a symbol of hope and resilience in the face of adversity.

Music and Sound Design

The music and sound design in episode 6 of The Last of Us season 1 are used to great effect to create a tense, suspenseful, and emotional atmosphere. The episode features a mix of original music by Gustavo Santaolalla and David Fleming, as well as licensed tracks.

Santaolalla’s score is haunting and atmospheric, and it perfectly captures the mood of the show. The score is often sparse and minimalist, but it can also be lush and emotional when needed. For example, in the scene where Joel is recovering from his injury, Santaolalla’s music is both beautiful and heartbreaking.

The Last Of Us 2023 – Season 1 Episode 6 Review
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Fleming’s original music is more electronic and experimental in nature. It is used to create a sense of unease and suspense in some scenes, and to add a touch of humor in others. For example, in the scene where Joel and Ellie are being chased by clickers, Fleming’s music is eerie and unsettling, perfectly capturing the danger of the situation.

The licensed tracks in the episode are also used to great effect. The use of Depeche Mode’s “Never Let Me Down Again” in the final scene of the episode is particularly poignant. The song’s lyrics perfectly capture the complex and emotional relationship between Joel and Ellie.

In addition to the music, the sound design in the episode is also excellent. The sound effects are used to create a realistic and immersive world for the audience. For example, the sound of the clickers’ echolocation is truly terrifying, and the sound of the infected attacking Joel and Ellie is visceral and unsettling.

Overall, the music and sound design in episode 6 of The Last of Us season 1 are simply outstanding. They help to create a truly unforgettable viewing experience for the audience.

Here are some specific examples of how the music and sound design are used to enhance the story and atmosphere of the episode:

 The use of silence: In some scenes, the music and sound design are used sparingly, or even completely omitted. This creates a sense of tension and suspense, as the audience is left to imagine the dangers that may be lurking around the corner.

For example, in the scene where Joel and Ellie are sneaking through the abandoned town, the only sound is the creaking of the floorboards and the sound of their own footsteps. This creates a sense of claustrophobia and paranoia, as the audience knows that they could be attacked at any moment.

 The use of sound effects: The sound effects in the episode are used to create a realistic and immersive world for the audience. For example, the sound of the clickers’ echolocation is truly terrifying, as it gives the audience a sense of the creatures’ presence, even when they cannot be seen.

The sound of the infected attacking Joel and Ellie is also visceral and unsettling, as it conveys the brutality of the world in which they live.

The Last Of Us 2023 – Season 1 Episode 6 Review
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 The use of music: The music in the episode is used to evoke a range of emotions in the audience. For example, the use of Gustavo Santaolalla’s haunting score in the scene where Joel is recovering from his injury is both beautiful and heartbreaking.

The use of Depeche Mode’s “Never Let Me Down Again” in the final scene of the episode is also particularly poignant, as the song’s lyrics perfectly capture the complex and emotional relationship between Joel and Ellie.

Overall, the music and sound design in episode 6 of The Last of Us season 1 are simply outstanding. They help to create a truly unforgettable viewing experience for the audience.

The pacing and episode structure of The Last of Us episode 6 of season 1 is generally well-received by critics and fans alike. The episode begins with Joel and Ellie escaping Kansas City and making their way to Wyoming in search of Joel’s brother Tommy.

The first half of the episode takes its time to explore the growing relationship between Joel and Ellie, as they bond over their shared trauma and the challenges of survival in the post-apocalyptic world.

The episode also features several flashbacks to Joel’s past, which provide further insight into his character and his motivations. The flashbacks are well-integrated into the main story, and they help to explain Joel’s reluctance to let anyone get close to him, including Ellie.

The second half of the episode picks up the pace, as Joel and Ellie arrive at the University of Wyoming, where they hope to find Tommy. However, the university is overrun by infected, and Joel and Ellie must fight their way through in order to find him.

The episode culminates in a tense and emotional reunion between Joel and Tommy. The scene is well-acted and directed, and it provides a satisfying payoff for the character development that has taken place over the course of the season.

Overall, the pacing and episode structure of The Last of Us episode 6 is well-executed. The episode balances character development, plot progression, and action in a way that is both engaging and satisfying.

Originality and Innovation

The Last of Us episode 6 of season 1 is a faithful adaptation of the original video game, but it also features several original and innovative elements.

Original Plot Points

 The episode expands on the relationship between Joel and Ellie, exploring their emotional depth and complexity in new ways. For example, the episode includes a scene in which Joel and Ellie argue about his past, which gives viewers a deeper understanding of Joel’s motivations and fears.

The Last Of Us 2023 – Season 1 Episode 6 Review
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 The episode introduces new characters, such as Joel’s brother Tommy and his family. These characters add new dimensions to the story and provide Joel and Ellie with much-needed support and companionship.

 The episode also features some original plot points, such as the scene in which Joel and Ellie are attacked by a herd of infected while crossing a river. This scene is both suspenseful and emotionally resonant, as it highlights the dangers of their journey and the strength of their bond.

Innovative Storytelling Techniques

The episode also uses several innovative storytelling techniques to enhance the viewer experience. For example, the episode uses flashbacks to explore Joel’s past and show how it has shaped the person he is today. This allows viewers to better understand Joel’s motivations and actions, which makes him a more complex and relatable character.

The episode also uses nonlinear storytelling to create a sense of suspense and excitement. For example, the episode opens with Joel and Ellie being attacked by infected, but then cuts back to show how they got into that situation. This keeps the viewer guessing and on the edge of their seat.

Overall, The Last of Us episode 6 is a well-written and well-acted episode that features both originality and innovation. The episode expands on the story of the original video game in new and interesting ways, while also using innovative storytelling techniques to enhance the viewer experience.

Here are some specific examples of the originality and innovation of the episode:

 The episode’s exploration of the relationship between Joel and Ellie is more nuanced and complex than in the game. The episode shows how their relationship evolves over time, as they learn to trust and rely on each other.

 The episode’s expansion of Joel’s backstory is also original and innovative. The flashbacks to Joel’s past give viewers a deeper understanding of his character and motivations.

 The episode’s use of nonlinear storytelling is also innovative. The episode opens with Joel and Ellie being attacked by infected, but then cuts back to show how they got into that situation. This keeps the viewer guessing and on the edge of their seat.

Overall, The Last of Us episode 6 is a well-written and well-acted episode that features both originality and innovation. The episode expands on the story of the original video game in new and interesting ways, while also using innovative storytelling techniques to enhance the viewer experience.

Fan Appeal and Easter Eggs

Fans of the video game were thrilled to see many familiar elements and characters in episode 6 of the TV show. Some of the specific things that fans appreciated include:

 The faithful adaptation of the game’s story and characters. Episode 6 closely follows the events of the game, with only a few minor changes. The characters of Joel, Ellie, Tommy, and Maria are all well-represented, and their relationships are complex and believable.

The Last Of Us 2023 – Season 1 Episode 6 Review
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 The strong performances from the cast. Pedro Pascal and Bella Ramsey continue to deliver excellent performances as Joel and Ellie, respectively. Gabriel Luna and Rutina Wesley are also great as Tommy and Maria.

 The beautiful cinematography and production design. The show’s visuals are stunning, from the wide shots of the Wyoming wilderness to the intimate close-ups of the characters’ faces.

 The emotional impact of the story. Episode 6 is a very emotional episode, as Joel and Ellie confront their pasts and come to terms with their new reality. Fans were moved by the depth and complexity of the characters’ emotions.

Easter Eggs in The Last of Us Episode 6

The episode is also full of Easter eggs for fans of the video game. Some of the most notable ones include:

Ellie’s new jacket. Maria gives Ellie a new jacket to wear in the episode, which is identical to the one she wears in the game.

 The monkeys. Joel and Ellie encounter a group of monkeys who have escaped from a laboratory. This is a reference to a scene from the game, where Joel and Ellie also encounter monkeys.

 The giraffe picture. There is a picture of a giraffe on the wall in Ellie’s new room. This is a foreshadowing of a scene from the game, where Joel and Ellie encounter a herd of wild giraffes.

 The David’s group members. The group of men who attack Joel and Ellie at the end of the episode are from David’s group. David is a major antagonist in the game, and he will likely play an important role in future episodes of the show.

Overall, episode 6 of The Last of Us was a fan-pleasing episode that was both faithful to the game and emotionally resonant. It was full of Easter eggs for fans to spot, and it left them wanting more.

Overall Enjoyment and Recommendation

Episode 6 of The Last of Us season 1 is widely considered to be one of the best episodes of the show so far. It is a slower-paced episode than some of the others, but it is also one of the most emotionally resonant. The episode focuses on the relationship between Joel and Ellie, and it does a superb job of developing their characters and bond.

Pedro Pascal and Bella Ramsey deliver outstanding performances as Joel and Ellie, respectively. Pascal brings a world-weariness and gruffness to Joel that is perfectly believable, while Ramsey captures Ellie’s wit, resilience, and vulnerability. The chemistry between the two actors is undeniable, and it is one of the main reasons why the episode is so effective.

The Last Of Us 2023 – Season 1 Episode 6 Review
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The episode also features some truly stunning visuals. The cinematography is excellent, and the show’s post-apocalyptic world is brought to life in a way that is both believable and haunting. The sound design is also top-notch, and it helps to create a truly immersive experience for the viewer.

Overall, episode 6 of The Last of Us season 1 is a must-watch for fans of the show. It is a beautifully made and emotionally resonant episode that features some of the best performances of the season.

Recommendation: I highly recommend episode 6 of The Last of Us season 1 to anyone who is a fan of the show, or who simply enjoys well-made television. It is an episode that will stay with you long after you have finished watching it.

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