The Last Of Us 2023 – Season 1 Episode 5 Review


Welcome To The Last Of Us 2023 – Season 1 Episode 5 Review. Episode 5 of The Last of Us, which premiered on HBO on February 12, 2023, opens with a flashback to the early days of the outbreak in Kansas City. Henry (Lamar Johnson) and his younger brother, Sam (Keivonn Woodard), are hiding in a crowd of protesters as FEDRA soldiers open fire. Henry manages to get Sam to safety, but they are soon separated.

Henry eventually reunites with Sam, but they are now hunted by Kathleen (Melanie Lynskey), the leader of a group of rebels who are seeking revenge for the death of Kathleen’s brother. Kathleen believes that Henry betrayed her brother to FEDRA, and she is determined to kill him.

Henry and Sam eventually cross paths with Joel (Pedro Pascal) and Ellie (Bella Ramsey), and the four of them form a tenuous alliance. They decide to work together to escape from Kansas City, but they are soon pursued by Kathleen’s forces.

The group eventually takes refuge in a subterranean maintenance tunnel, which is filled with infected. They must navigate the tunnels and avoid the infected in order to reach their destination.

The group eventually reaches the end of the tunnel and emerges into a ruined city. They are immediately attacked by Kathleen and her forces. Joel, Ellie, Henry, and Sam manage to fight them off, but Kathleen corners them at gunpoint.

Just as Kathleen is about to shoot Henry, an infected child sneaks up on her and attacks her. The group takes advantage of the distraction and flees.

As they run, Sam reveals to Ellie that he was scratched by an infected during the fight. Ellie is devastated, but she assures Sam that he will be okay.

The group eventually finds a place to hide, and Joel and Ellie decide to go out for supplies. While they are gone, Sam’s infection begins to take hold. He attacks Ellie, but she manages to subdue him.

The Last Of Us 2023 – Season 1 Episode 5 Review
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Joel and Ellie return to find Sam infected. Joel is heartbroken, but he knows what he has to do. He kills Sam in order to prevent him from turning into a full-fledged infected.

Ellie is devastated by Sam’s death, and she accuses Joel of being a monster. Joel tries to explain that he had to do what he did to protect her, but she refuses to listen. She runs off into the night, leaving Joel alone.

Action and Direction

The action and direction of Episode 5 of The Last of Us is top-notch, with several standout sequences that showcase the show’s technical prowess and visual flair.

Action Sequences

The episode opens with a tense and thrilling action sequence, as Joel and Ellie are ambushed by Kathleen and the Hunters in a burning building. The scene is claustrophobic and chaotic, with Joel and Ellie forced to fight their way through narrow hallways and cramped rooms. The direction is masterful, creating a sense of urgency and danger as the characters navigate the perilous environment.

The Last Of Us 2023 – Season 1 Episode 5 Review
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The episode’s climax features another impressive action sequence, as Joel, Ellie, Henry, and Sam are attacked by a horde of infected, including a Bloater, one of the most dangerous types of infected in the game. The sequence is visually stunning, with the Bloater’s grotesque appearance and terrifying roar brought to life in vivid detail. The direction is also excellent, with the scene building to a crescendo of violence and chaos as the characters fight for survival.


Director Jeremy Webb does a superb job of creating a sense of atmosphere and tension throughout the episode. The use of lighting and camerawork is particularly effective, with many scenes taking place in dark and cramped spaces, which helps to create a claustrophobic and unsettling mood.

Webb also uses a variety of techniques to build suspense and tension. For example, in the scene where Joel and Ellie are ambushed by the Hunters, the director cuts back and forth between the two characters, creating a sense of disorientation and uncertainty. In the scene where the group is attacked by the infected horde, Webb uses close-ups and quick cuts to heighten the sense of danger and chaos.

The Last Of Us 2023 – Season 1 Episode 5 Review
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Overall, the action and direction of Episode 5 of The Last of Us are outstanding. The episode features several memorable action sequences that are both visually stunning and suspenseful. Webb’s direction is also masterful, creating a sense of atmosphere and tension that helps to draw the viewer into the story.

Here are some specific examples of the directorial choices that make Episode 5 so effective:

 The use of long takes in the opening ambush scene creates a sense of realism and immersion, as the viewer feels like they are right there with Joel and Ellie as they fight for their lives.

 The use of close-ups and quick cuts in the infected horde attack scene creates a sense of chaos and disorientation, as the viewer is bombarded with images of the terrifying creatures.

 The use of tracking shots in the scene where Joel and Ellie are exploring the attic helps to create a sense of suspense, as the viewer wonders what dangers lie ahead.

 The use of wide shots in the scene where the group is trapped in the sinkhole helps to convey the scale of the danger they are facing.

Overall, the action and direction of Episode 5 of The Last of Us is top-notch, and it is one of the most visually stunning and suspenseful episodes of television in recent memory.

Character Development

In episode 5 of The Last of Us season 1, we see significant character development for Joel, Ellie, Henry, and Sam.


Joel’s character development is most evident in his relationship with Ellie. At the beginning of the episode, he is still reluctant to trust her and is hesitant to let her in. However, after spending time with her and seeing how brave and resourceful she is, he begins to soften up towards her. This is especially evident in the scene where they are trapped in the building with the Hunters and he tells her that he is “not leaving her behind.” This is a big moment for Joel, as it shows that he is starting to see Ellie as more than just a cargo to be delivered.

The Last Of Us 2023 – Season 1 Episode 5 Review
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Ellie’s character development is also evident in her relationship with Joel. At the beginning of the episode, she is still angry and resentful of him for leaving her behind in episode 4. However, as she gets to know him better and sees how much he cares about her, she begins to forgive him. This is especially evident in the scene where they are trapped in the building with the Hunters and she tells him that she is “glad he’s there.” This is a big moment for Ellie, as it shows that she is starting to trust Joel and see him as a father figure.


Henry’s character development is also significant in this episode. We learn that he is a former Fedra collaborator who betrayed his brother, Michael, to them. This has caused him to live in constant fear and guilt. However, after meeting Joel and Ellie, he begins to open up and trust them. This is especially evident in the scene where he tells Joel about his past and why he is on the run from Kathleen. This is a big moment for Henry, as it shows that he is starting to heal from his past and move forward.


Sam’s character development is also evident in this episode. We learn that he is deaf and has a love of superheroes. He is also very innocent and trusting. However, after witnessing the brutality of the Hunters, he is forced to grow up quickly. This is especially evident in the scene where he kills a Hunter to save Henry. This is a big moment for Sam, as it shows that he is capable of great things, even in the face of darkness.

Overall, episode 5 of The Last of Us is a great example of character development. We see Joel, Ellie, Henry, and Sam all grow and change in significant ways. This makes their characters more complex and relatable, and it also makes their journey more interesting to watch.

Visual Effects and Cinematography

Visual Effects

The visual effects in episode 5 of The Last of Us season 1 are some of the most impressive in the series so far. The show’s creators have used a combination of practical effects and CGI to create a believable and immersive post-apocalyptic world.

One of the most notable uses of CGI in the episode is the creation of the Bloaters, a new type of Infected that is introduced in this episode. Bloaters are massive, bloated creatures that are covered in fungus and spores. They are very dangerous and difficult to kill.

The Last Of Us 2023 – Season 1 Episode 5 Review
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The Bloaters in The Last of Us are incredibly realistic and believable. They have been created using a combination of CGI and motion capture technology. The team behind the show worked closely with a real-world mycologist to ensure that the Bloaters were both visually accurate and scientifically plausible.

Another impressive example of CGI in the episode is the creation of the Kansas City skyline. The show’s creators used CGI to create a realistic and detailed cityscape that is both familiar and alien. The skyline is filled with abandoned buildings and ruined infrastructure, which helps to create a sense of atmosphere and dread.


The cinematography in episode 5 of The Last of Us is also top-notch. The show’s creators have used a variety of techniques to create a visually stunning and atmospheric episode.

One of the most notable techniques used in the episode is the use of long takes. Long takes are shots that last for a long period of time without any cuts. They can be used to create a sense of realism and immersion, as they allow the viewer to feel like they are right there in the scene with the characters.

The show’s creators have also used a variety of camera movements to create a sense of tension and suspense. For example, they often use handheld cameras to create a sense of shakiness and unease. They also use tracking shots to follow the characters as they move through the environment, which can help to create a sense of claustrophobia and danger.

The show’s creators have also used a variety of lighting techniques to create atmosphere and mood. For example, they often use dark and shadowy lighting to create a sense of dread and suspense. They also use bright and artificial lighting to create a sense of unease and discomfort.

Overall, the visual effects and cinematography in episode 5 of The Last of Us are both top-notch. The show’s creators have used a variety of techniques to create a believable, immersive, and visually stunning post-apocalyptic world.

Here are some specific examples of the visual effects and cinematography that are used in the episode:

 In the scene where Joel and Ellie are walking through the sewers, the show’s creators use a variety of lighting techniques to create a sense of claustrophobia and danger. The sewers are dark and shadowy, and the only light comes from the flashlights that Joel and Ellie are carrying. The show’s creators also use a variety of camera movements to create a sense of unease. For example, they often use handheld cameras to create a sense of shakiness.

 In the scene where Joel and Ellie are escaping from the Kansas City Q-Zone, the show’s creators use a variety of visual effects to create a sense of chaos and destruction. The streets of the Q-Zone are filled with fire and smoke, and the show’s creators use CGI to create realistic explosions and collapsing buildings.

 In the scene where Joel and Ellie are fighting the Bloater, the show’s creators use a variety of visual effects to create a believable and terrifying creature. The Bloater is massive and bloated, and it is covered in fungus and spores. The show’s creators use CGI to create realistic movements and animations for the Bloater.

Overall, the visual effects and cinematography in episode 5 of The Last of Us are some of the best in the series so far. The show’s creators have used a variety of techniques to create a believable, immersive, and visually stunning post-apocalyptic world.


Episode 5 of The Last of Us Season 1, titled “Endure and Survive”, continues to expand on the world-building of the series, providing a more in-depth look at the post-apocalyptic world and the different factions that inhabit it.

The Last Of Us 2023 – Season 1 Episode 5 Review
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The episode introduces the FEDRA (Federal Disaster Response Agency), a paramilitary organization that has established martial law in major cities across the country. The FEDRA is responsible for maintaining order and distributing supplies, but they are also known for their brutality and corruption.

In Pittsburgh, the FEDRA is led by Kathleen, a ruthless leader who is determined to hunt down and kill all of the Hunters. Kathleen is motivated by revenge, as her brother was killed by the Hunters during the outbreak.

The Hunters

The Hunters are a group of survivors who have been forced to turn to banditry and cannibalism in order to survive. They are often desperate and unpredictable, and they will stop at nothing to get what they need.

In Pittsburgh, the Hunters are led by Henry, a man who is trying to protect his younger brother, Sam. Henry is a complex character who is both capable of great violence and great compassion.

The Bloater

The episode also introduces a new type of infected, the Bloater. Bloaters are large, bloated creatures that are covered in a thick fungal armor. They are incredibly dangerous, and they can release a cloud of toxic spores when they are killed.

The Bloater plays a key role in the episode’s climax, as it helps to defeat Kathleen and her forces. This shows that even the most powerful factions are vulnerable to the infected.

Other World-Building Details

In addition to the main plot points, the episode also includes a number of other world-building details, such as:

  •  A look at the FEDRA’s quarantine zones, which are heavily guarded and fortified.
  •  A glimpse of the FEDRA’s supply chain, which is used to distribute food and other resources to major cities.
  •  A look at how the FEDRA uses propaganda to maintain control over the population.
  •  A glimpse of the Hunters’ lifestyle, which is often brutal and unforgiving.
  •  A look at how the infected have evolved over time, becoming more dangerous and more difficult to defeat.

Overall, Episode 5 of The Last of Us Season 1 does a great job of expanding on the world-building of the series. It introduces new factions, new types of infected, and new details about the post-apocalyptic world. This helps to create a more immersive and believable experience for the viewer.

Music and Sound Design

The music and sound design of The Last of Us season 1 episode 5, “Endure and Survive,” is essential to creating the immersive and atmospheric world of the show. The episode features a variety of musical and sound effects that help to convey the emotional tone of the story, as well as the physical environment in which the characters find themselves.

The Last Of Us 2023 – Season 1 Episode 5 Review
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The episode’s score was composed by Gustavo Santaolalla, who also scored the video game that the series is based on. Santaolalla’s music is known for its use of acoustic guitars, ethnic instruments, and electronic elements to create a unique and haunting sound.

In episode 5, Santaolalla’s music is used to great effect to create a sense of tension, suspense, and dread. For example, during the scene where Joel and Ellie are ambushed by Kathleen’s forces, the music becomes increasingly frenetic and chaotic, reflecting the intensity of the action. Conversely, during the more emotional moments of the episode, such as the scene where Joel and Ellie share a meal with Henry and Sam, the music is more subdued and reflective.

Sound Design

The sound design of episode 5 is also very impressive. The sound team has done a masterful job of creating a realistic and believable soundscape for the post-apocalyptic world of the show.

One of the most notable aspects of the sound design is the use of ambient noise. The sound team has used a variety of ambient effects, such as the wind whistling through the ruins of Kansas City, the chirping of birds, and the distant sound of gunfire, to create a sense of immersion for the viewer.

The sound team has also used sound effects to great effect to create a sense of tension and suspense. For example, during the scene where Joel and Ellie are ambushed by Kathleen’s forces, the sound effects of gunfire, explosions, and screams are used to create a visceral and chaotic experience for the viewer.

Overall, the music and sound design of The Last of Us season 1 episode 5 is excellent. The sound team has done a masterful job of creating an immersive and atmospheric world for the show, and their work helps to enhance the emotional impact of the story.

Here are some specific examples of how the music and sound design is used in episode 5:

 In the opening scene of the episode, we hear a montage of sounds that evoke the post-apocalyptic world, such as wind whistling through ruins, birds chirping, and distant gunfire. This creates a sense of immersion for the viewer and helps to establish the tone of the episode.

 During the scene where Joel and Ellie are ambushed by Kathleen’s forces, the music becomes increasingly frenetic and chaotic, reflecting the intensity of the action. The sound effects of gunfire, explosions, and screams are also used to create a visceral and chaotic experience for the viewer.

 In the scene where Joel and Ellie share a meal with Henry and Sam, the music is more subdued and reflective. 

 In the final scene of the episode, we hear a cover of the song “Fuel to Fire” by Agnes Obel. The song’s lyrics echo the theme of the episode, which is about the importance of enduring and surviving in the face of adversity.

The music and sound design of The Last of Us season 1 episode 5 is an essential part of what makes the episode so effective. The sound team has done a masterful job of creating an immersive and atmospheric world for the show, and their work helps to enhance the emotional impact of the story.

Pacing and Episode Structure


The pacing of The Last of Us episode 5 is relatively slow, but it still manages to be engaging. The episode begins with a flashback to Joel and Sarah’s final night together, which is a heartbreaking scene that helps to ground the episode emotionally. The rest of the episode is spent with Joel and Ellie traveling through the ruins of Pittsburgh, encountering various dangers along the way.

The Last Of Us 2023 – Season 1 Episode 5 Review
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The slow pacing of the episode allows for a lot of character development. We get to see Joel and Ellie’s relationship grow stronger as they rely on each other to survive. We also get to learn more about their individual backstories and motivations.

Episode Structure

The episode structure of The Last of Us episode 5 is fairly straightforward. The episode is divided into three main parts:

 Part 1: The flashback to Joel and Sarah’s final night together.

 Part 2: Joel and Ellie traveling through Pittsburgh.

 Part 3: Joel and Ellie’s encounter with the Hunters.

Each part of the episode builds on the previous one, and the episode culminates in a tense and suspenseful climax.


The slow pacing of The Last of Us episode 5 is a deliberate choice by the creators of the show. They want to give viewers a chance to experience the world of the show and to connect with the characters on a deeper level. The episode also does a good job of balancing character development with action and suspense.

The episode structure is also effective. The three main parts of the episode are well-paced and the episode builds to a satisfying climax.

Overall, The Last of Us episode 5 is a well-crafted episode with a slow but deliberate pacing and a straightforward but effective episode structure.

In addition to the above, here are some specific examples of how the pacing and episode structure of The Last of Us episode 5 work together to create a compelling and engaging story:

 The flashback to Joel and Sarah’s final night together is a slow and emotional scene, but it is necessary to establish Joel’s backstory and motivations. The scene also serves as a contrast to the rest of the episode, which is more action-oriented.

 The episode takes its time to build suspense as Joel and Ellie travel through Pittsburgh. The audience is constantly aware of the dangers that they face, which makes the episode more engaging.

 The episode’s climax is well-executed and satisfying. The Hunters are a formidable threat, and the stakes are high for Joel and Ellie. The episode also does a good job of resolving the conflict in a way that is both believable and emotionally resonant.

Overall, the pacing and episode structure of The Last of Us episode 5 are both excellent. The episode is slow but deliberate, and it builds to a satisfying climax.

Originality and Innovation


The Last of Us episode 5 is highly original in its expansion of the game’s lore and its exploration of complex themes. The creators of the show have taken the foundations of the game and built upon them in new and exciting ways.

For example, the episode introduces the character of Kathleen, the leader of the Hunters, who is a complex and well-developed character in her own right. Kathleen is motivated by a desire for revenge against FEDRA for the death of her brother, but she is also a pragmatic leader who is willing to make difficult decisions in order to protect her people.

The Last Of Us 2023 – Season 1 Episode 5 Review
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The episode also explores the theme of trauma in a more nuanced way than the game does. For example, Sam’s leukemia and deafness add a new layer of complexity to his relationship with Henry, and they also make him more relatable to viewers.


The Last of Us episode 5 is also innovative in its use of filmmaking techniques. The episode features some of the most visually stunning and suspenseful sequences in the entire series.

For example, the scene in which Joel, Ellie, Henry, and Sam are chased through the tunnels by the Hunters is a masterclass in tension and suspense. The directors use a combination of close-ups, wide shots, and quick cuts to create a sense of claustrophobia and chaos.

The episode also features some innovative special effects. The Bloater, in particular, is a truly terrifying creature that is brought to life with incredible realism.

Overall, The Last of Us episode 5 is a highly original and innovative piece of television. It expands upon the game’s lore, explores complex themes in a nuanced way, and features some of the most visually stunning and suspenseful sequences in the entire series.

Here are some specific examples of the originality and innovation of The Last of Us episode 5:

  •  The introduction of the character of Kathleen and the exploration of her motivations.
  •  The expanded backstory of Henry and Sam, including Sam’s leukemia and deafness.
  •  The nuanced exploration of trauma, particularly in the relationship between Henry and Sam.
  •  The visually stunning and suspenseful chase scene through the tunnels.
  •  The terrifying and realistic depiction of the Bloater.

Overall, The Last of Us episode 5 is a testament to the creativity and vision of the show’s creators. It is a must-watch for fans of the game and anyone who enjoys high-quality television.

Fan Appeal

Episode 5 of The Last of Us season 1 was highly anticipated by fans of the video game, as it introduced two of the game’s most popular characters: Henry and Sam. The episode also featured a number of other elements that appealed to fans, including:

The Last Of Us 2023 – Season 1 Episode 5 Review
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  •  The introduction of the Bloater, a new type of infected that is much more dangerous than the Runners and Clickers that Joel and Ellie have encountered so far.
  •  The exploration of the underground tunnels, which are a major set piece in the video game.
  •  The development of the relationship between Joel and Ellie, as they continue to bond and trust each other.
  •  The emotional scenes between Sam and Ellie, as they bond over their shared love of comics and their similar experiences growing up in a post-apocalyptic world.

Easter Eggs

Episode 5 of The Last of Us season 1 also featured a number of Easter eggs for fans of the video game, including:

  •  The Ish painting on the door to the underground hideout.
  •  The chalk goalpost painted on the wall of the hideout.
  •  The Savage Starlight comic book that Ellie and Sam read together.
  •  The drawing of Danny and Ish that Joel finds in the hideout.
  •  The Bloater killing Perry in the same way that it does in the video game.

These Easter eggs were appreciated by fans, as they showed that the creators of the TV series were paying attention to the details of the video game and that they were committed to creating a faithful adaptation.

The Last Of Us 2023 – Season 1 Episode 5 Review
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In addition to the specific Easter eggs mentioned above, the overall tone and atmosphere of episode 5 was also very similar to the video game. The episode was dark, gritty, and suspenseful, and it featured a number of iconic moments that fans will remember from the game.

Overall, episode 5 of The Last of Us season 1 was very well-received by fans of the video game. The episode was praised for its fan appeal, its Easter eggs, and its faithfulness to the source material.

Overall Enjoyment

Episode 5 of The Last of Us season 1, titled “Endure and Survive,” is widely considered to be one of the best episodes of the series. It is a thrilling, emotional, and action-packed episode that features some of the show’s most iconic moments.

The episode begins with Joel, Ellie, Henry, and Sam making their way through Kansas City. They are soon caught in a firefight between Kathleen’s militia and a group of infected. The episode then features a tense sniper sequence, followed by a chaotic and bloody escape from the city.

The episode’s climax features a horde of infected emerging from a sinkhole and attacking Kathleen and her militia. The sequence is incredibly well-executed and truly terrifying. The episode ends with a heartbreaking scene that leaves viewers on the edge of their seats.

Overall, episode 5 of The Last of Us is a must-watch episode. It is a thrilling, emotional, and visually stunning episode that features some of the show’s best moments.


I highly recommend episode 5 of The Last of Us season 1 to anyone who is a fan of the video games, or to anyone who enjoys well-made post-apocalyptic dramas. The episode is a perfect example of what makes the show so great: it is full of tension, suspense, action, and emotion.

The Last Of Us 2023 – Season 1 Episode 5 Review
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Even if you are not familiar with the video games, I still recommend watching episode 5 of The Last of Us. The episode can be enjoyed on its own merits, and it is a great introduction to the world of The Last of Us.

Overall Rating

I give episode 5 of The Last of Us season 1 a perfect 10/10 rating. It is a must-watch episode for fans of the show and for anyone who enjoys well-made post-apocalyptic dramas.

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