Cobra Kai Season 5 Episode 5 review

Plot of Cobra Kai season 5 episode 5

Cobra Kai Season 5 Episode 5 review, aptly titled “Extreme Measures,” dives deep into character fissures and simmering tensions. Prepare for emotional whiplash as we navigate this rollercoaster of alliances, betrayals, and unexpected bonds.

Clash of the Cobra Clones: Johnny’s apartment transforms into a makeshift therapy session, forced upon Miguel and Robby in a desperate attempt to bridge their growing chasm. Their simmering resentment explodes, fueled by Miguel’s lingering heartbreak and Robby’s disillusionment. But just as punches fly, a shared memory of past battles forces them to confront their similarities, leading to a fragile truce. However, Johnny’s bombshell announcement about Carmen’s pregnancy throws another wrench into their already fractured family dynamic.

Cobra Kai Season 5 Episode 5 review
Image source: IMDb

LaRusso’s Lament: Daniel, adrift in a sea of loneliness, struggles to cope with Amanda and the kids’ absence. Drowning his sorrows in alcohol, he loses himself in a fog of despair. Chozen’s arrival brings a lifeline – an anonymous tip hinting at Stingray’s fabricated testimony that sent Kreese to prison. But Daniel, consumed by his inner turmoil, hesitates, his resolve crumbling under the weight of his grief.

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Silver’s Serpentine Schemes: Terry Silver, basking in the venomous glory of his victory, solidifies his grip on Cobra Kai. He welcomes Stingray back with open arms, showering him with extravagant gifts and venomous rhetoric. But underneath the facade of camaraderie, Silver’s ambitions extend far beyond the valley, hinting at a master plan shrouded in darkness.

Seeds of Rebellion: Amidst the Cobra Kai chaos, glimmers of resistance flicker. Sam, witnessing Anthony’s struggle against Kenny’s relentless bullying, offers a helping hand, potentially forging a mentor-student bond. In another corner, a mysterious envelope containing the truth about Stingray’s lie suggests an unseen force is quietly undermining Silver’s reign.

Hanging Precipices: The episode concludes with unresolved threads dangling precariously, keeping our hearts in perpetual limbo. Amanda’s reaction to Johnny’s news, Daniel’s decision regarding the Stingray information, and the identity of the anonymous informant remain tantalizing mysteries, setting the stage for explosive revelations and shifting allegiances in the episodes to come.

So buckle up, karate fans, because “Extreme Measures” is just the beginning. The dojo doors have swung open to a season brimming with emotional turmoil, unforeseen alliances, and Cobra Kai’s ever-expanding venomous reach. As the stakes rise and loyalties blur, one thing is certain – the karate war is far from over.

Action and Direction in Cobra Kai season 5, episode 5

“Extreme Measures” takes a breather from the large-scale fight sequences that have defined Cobra Kai to delve into the emotional turmoil of its characters. However, that doesn’t mean the episode skimps on action or directorial flourishes. Here’s a breakdown of how the episode uses action and direction to heighten its emotional impact:

1. Claustrophobic Confrontations:

The episode opens with a tense therapy session between Johnny, Miguel, and Robby, confined within the cramped walls of Johnny’s apartment. The tight framing and shaky camerawork create a sense of claustrophobia, mirroring the emotional pressure cooker the characters are in.

Image source: IMDb

Later, Daniel’s drunken stupor is filmed in close-ups, emphasizing his isolation and despair. The shaky camera movements further convey his emotional instability.

2. Flashbacks and Internal Battles:

The episode utilizes flashbacks effectively to explore the characters’ inner conflicts. Miguel’s memory of his fight with Robby is intercut with their present-day confrontation, highlighting the emotional baggage they carry.

 Similarly, Daniel’s flashbacks to his past with Mr. Miyagi offer a glimpse into his current struggles with grief and doubt.

3. Contrasting styles:

The episode differentiates the Cobra Kai and Miyagi-Do styles through their training sequences. Cobra Kai’s movements are sharp and aggressive, reflecting their ruthless approach, while Miyagi-Do’s focus on balance and control is conveyed through fluid, graceful movements.

4. Symbolic Imagery:

The episode uses symbolic imagery to foreshadow upcoming events. For example, the shot of a cobra slithering through the shadows hints at Terry Silver’s manipulative tactics.

Similarly, the close-up of the envelope containing the truth about Stingray’s lie suggests the seeds of rebellion have been sown.

5. Cliffhanger endings:

The episode ends with several unresolved cliffhangers, leaving the audience eager for more. The sudden news of Carmen’s pregnancy, Daniel’s decision regarding the Stingray information, and the identity of the anonymous informant all create a sense of anticipation and suspense.

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Overall, “Extreme Measures” uses action and direction not just for physical thrills but also to delve deeper into the emotional core of its characters. The claustrophobic settings, flashbacks, contrasting styles, symbolic imagery, and cliffhanger endings all contribute to the episode’s emotional impact, making it a standout in Cobra Kai’s fifth season.

Character Development in Cobra Kai season 5, episode 5

Episode 5 of Cobra Kai season 5 dives deep into character development, exposing vulnerabilities, testing loyalties, and hinting at potential transformations. Here’s a breakdown of the notable character arcs:

1. Johnny Lawrence:

Struggling to manage his newfound fatherly responsibilities, Johnny attempts to bridge the gap between Miguel and Robby through forced therapy. This showcases his desire to do right by his past mistakes but also highlights his emotional clumsiness.

Image source: IMDb

The bombshell news of Carmen’s pregnancy throws him into another emotional tailspin, revealing his fear of commitment and potential resentment towards Miguel. 

 Overall, Johnny remains a work in progress, grappling with fatherhood, past trauma, and his evolving relationships.

2. Miguel Diaz:

Still reeling from Sam’s rejection, Miguel’s anger towards Robby intensifies, leading to a physical confrontation. However, the shared memory of their past battles forces him to confront his similarities with Robby, hinting at a potential understanding in the future.

As Sam offers to help Anthony, Miguel shows signs of maturity and a willingness to move on from his heartbreak.

3. Robby Keene:

 Disillusioned by Cobra Kai and yearning for acceptance, Robby’s resentment towards Johnny and Miguel bubbles over in the therapy session.

 However, the flashback and Johnny’s vulnerability provide a glimpse of Robby’s own emotional pain, hinting at a potential softening of his hardened exterior.

4. Daniel LaRusso:

Drowning in grief and isolation after Amanda and the kids’ departure, Daniel’s descent into alcoholism exposes his vulnerability and lack of coping mechanisms.

Chozen’s arrival and the possibility of exposing Stingray’s lie offer him a lifeline, but Daniel’s hesitation reveals his internal conflict and fear of further loss.

5. Terry Silver:

Basking in his apparent victory, Terry solidifies his grip on Cobra Kai, manipulating Stingray and further expanding his influence.

However, glimpses of his paranoia and underlying darkness suggest that his seemingly secure position may be more fragile than it appears.

6. Sam LaRusso:

Witnessing Anthony’s struggles, Sam steps up as a mentor, offering guidance and support. This displays her growth and maturity, moving beyond her own teenage angst to help others.

7. Anthony LaRusso:

 Bullied by Kenny, Anthony experiences the harsh realities of Cobra Kai’s teachings. His growing fear and vulnerability create a potential turning point in his character arc.

8. Amanda LaRusso:

Though she is absent physically, Amanda’s presence is felt through Daniel’s emotional state. Her reaction to Johnny’s news and his future return will likely play a significant role in their relationship’s development.

Overall, “Extreme Measures” puts the characters of Cobra Kai through an emotional wringer, exposing their vulnerabilities and forcing them to confront their internal struggles. This episode sets the stage for potential transformations and shifting dynamics in the season to come.

Visual Effects and Cinematography in Cobra Kai Season 5, Episode 5 

While “Extreme Measures” might not boast the grand fight sequences or CGI spectacle of other Cobra Kai episodes, it makes up for it with its nuanced and deliberate use of visual effects and cinematography to enhance the emotional impact of the narrative. Here’s a breakdown:

1. Tight Framing and Shaky Camerawork:

The confined spaces of Johnny’s apartment are utilized to create a sense of claustrophobia and tension during the therapy session. Tight close-ups on the characters’ faces emphasize their raw emotions and vulnerability.

Shaky camerawork is subtly used during moments of emotional escalation, mirroring the characters’ inner turmoil and adding a sense of immediacy to the scene.

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2. Contrasting Color Palettes:

Cobra Kai scenes are bathed in harsh yellows and oranges, reflecting their aggressive and ruthless philosophy.

Miyagi-Do scenes utilize calmer blues and greens, evoking a sense of balance and serenity.

This deliberate color palette distinction visually reinforces the ideological differences between the two dojos.

Image source: IMDb

3. Lighting and Shadow Play:

The episode employs strategic lighting to create a sense of mystery and foreboding. For example, the shadows engulfing Terry Silver suggest his hidden schemes and manipulative nature.

Soft natural light is used during Daniel’s flashbacks to Mr. Miyagi, highlighting the nostalgia and warmth associated with their past mentorship.

4. Symbolic Imagery:

The episode is peppered with subtle visual cues that foreshadow future events or represent character traits. For example, a shot of a cobra slithering through the shadows hints at Terry Silver’s ever-present threat.

The close-up of the envelope containing the truth about Stingray’s lie symbolizes the seeds of rebellion being sown against Cobra Kai’s dominance.

5. Flashbacks and Memory Cuts:

Flashbacks are seamlessly integrated into the narrative, providing emotional context and backstory for the characters’ present-day struggles.

Quick cuts and jump cuts are used during flashbacks to convey a sense of disorientation and fragmented memories, reflecting the characters’ ongoing internal conflicts.

Overall, the visual effects and cinematography in “Extreme Measures” are used sparingly but effectively. They serve to heighten the emotional resonance of the scenes, subtly reinforcing character motivations and foreshadowing future plot developments. This nuanced approach adds depth and complexity to the episode, making it an emotionally captivating chapter in the Cobra Kai saga.

World-Building in Cobra Kai Season 5 Episode 5

While “Extreme Measures” focuses heavily on character development and emotional journeys, it also subtly expands the world of Cobra Kai through its setting, dialogue, and thematic exploration. Here’s a breakdown of the episode’s world-building elements:

1. Expanding Dojo Reach:

The episode establishes Cobra Kai’s growing influence beyond the valley. Terry Silver welcomes back Stingray with open arms, hinting at Cobra Kai’s potential expansion into new territories.

This development suggests a larger conflict is brewing on the horizon, possibly pitting Cobra Kai against other dojos or martial arts franchises.

2. Societal Impact of Karate:

The episode continues to explore the societal impact of karate on teenagers. Anthony’s bullying by Kenny showcases the dark side of Cobra Kai’s teachings, highlighting the potential for karate to be used for violence and intimidation.

Sam’s decision to mentor Anthony underscores the positive influence karate can have, fostering discipline and self-defense skills.

3. Generational Conflicts:

The episode delves deeper into the generational conflicts simmering beneath the surface of Cobra Kai. Johnny’s struggles with fatherhood, Daniel’s grief over Mr. Miyagi, and Robby’s search for belonging all stem from complex relationships with their respective parental figures.

These conflicts highlight the ongoing legacy of past rivalries and traumas, suggesting that the cycle of violence might be difficult to break.

4. Evolving Karate Landscape:

The episode hints at a potential evolution within the karate landscape. Chozen’s arrival suggests that Miyagi-Do might be open to incorporating new techniques and strategies.

This development could lead to a more nuanced approach to karate, blending traditional styles with modern fighting techniques.

5. Seeds of Rebellion:

Despite Cobra Kai’s apparent dominance, the episode sows the seeds of rebellion. The anonymous envelope containing the truth about Stingray’s lie suggests that there are forces working against Silver from within.

This hidden resistance offers a glimmer of hope for those who oppose Cobra Kai’s philosophy, hinting at a potential uprising in future episodes.

Overall, “Extreme Measures” subtly expands the world of Cobra Kai by exploring the dojo’s growing influence, the societal impact of karate, generational conflicts, the evolving karate landscape, and the seeds of rebellion. This world-building strengthens the show’s thematic depth and sets the stage for exciting developments in the coming episodes.

Music and Sound Design in Cobra Kai Season 5 Episode 5

While “Extreme Measures” takes a breather from the high-octane action of previous episodes, its music and sound design play a crucial role in amplifying the emotional intensity and thematic nuances. Here’s a breakdown of how the episode utilizes these elements:

1. Emotional Score:

The episode moves away from the traditional Cobra Kai synth-heavy score, opting for a more subdued and emotive soundtrack. Piano melodies and melancholic strings underline Daniel’s grief and loneliness, creating a sense of despair and longing.

During moments of tension, like the therapy session and Robby’s flashback, the score shifts to dissonant chords and unsettling rhythms, mirroring the characters’ inner turmoil and unresolved conflicts.

2. Contrasting Dojo Themes:

The signature Cobra Kai theme is still present but used sparingly and often distorted, reflecting the dojo’s growing darkness and manipulative tactics under Terry Silver’s leadership.

Miyagi-Do’s theme remains largely absent, suggesting the dojo’s struggle to maintain its balance and serenity in the face of Cobra Kai’s aggression.

3. Diegetic Sounds and Silence:

The episode masterfully utilizes silence to heighten the drama. During key moments, like Johnny’s bombshell announcement about Carmen’s pregnancy, the background fades away entirely, amplifying the emotional impact of the scene.

Diegetic sounds, like the clinking of glasses during Daniel’s drinking spree or the creaking floorboards during the therapy session, add a layer of realism and immersion, drawing the viewer deeper into the characters’ emotional states.

4. Foreshadowing and Symbolism:

Certain sound effects, like the slithering of a snake, are used subtly to foreshadow upcoming events or hint at characters’ hidden intentions.

The use of traditional Okinawan music during Chozen’s arrival suggests a potential return to karate’s roots and a shift in Miyagi-Do’s approach.

5. Characterization through Music:

The episode uses specific musical motifs to highlight character traits and motivations. For example, a melancholic flute melody accompanies Miguel’s scenes, reflecting his lingering heartbreak, while a more determined string melody underscores Sam’s emerging maturity and willingness to help others.

Overall, the music and sound design in “Extreme Measures” are not just background elements but integral parts of the storytelling. They enhance the emotional impact of the scenes, provide thematic undertones, and even offer subtle clues about character motivations and future plot developments. This nuanced approach elevates the episode’s emotional resonance and contributes to its overall thematic richness.

Pacing and Episode Structure in Cobra Kai Season 5 Episode 5

“Extreme Measures” takes a deliberate departure from the fast-paced action and large-scale fight sequences that define Cobra Kai. Instead, it focuses on character development, emotional exploration, and simmering tensions, resulting in a unique pacing and episode structure. Here’s a breakdown:

1. Slow Burn Pacing:

The episode unfolds at a deliberate pace, allowing for deeper character introspection and emotional resonance. Scenes linger on close-ups and lingering silences, amplifying the characters’ vulnerabilities and internal conflicts.

This slow-burn approach contrasts with the usual Cobra Kai adrenaline rush, forcing viewers to slow down and engage with the emotional core of the narrative.

2. Character-Driven Scenes:

The episode prioritizes character interactions and emotional journeys over external action. The therapy session between Johnny, Miguel, and Robby forms the central focus, serving as a microcosm of the larger conflict between Cobra Kai and Miyagi-Do philosophies.

Other scenes, like Daniel’s drunken spiral and Sam’s mentorship of Anthony, further explore the emotional fallout of past events and the characters’ evolving relationships.

3. Interwoven Storylines:

The episode seamlessly weaves together multiple storylines, each contributing to the overall thematic tapestry. Johnny’s struggle with fatherhood, Daniel’s grief and isolation, and the simmering tensions within Cobra Kai all converge, creating a sense of interconnectedness and tension.

This interweaving structure keeps the audience engaged as they anticipate how the different threads will eventually intersect and influence each other.

4. Flashbacks and Internal Battles:

The episode utilizes flashbacks effectively to delve into the characters’ past traumas and motivations. Miguel’s memory of his fight with Robby and Daniel’s flashbacks to Mr. Miyagi offer glimpses into their emotional baggage and shed light on their present-day struggles.

These flashbacks add depth and complexity to the characters, making them more than just archetypes.

5. Cliffhanger endings:

The episode concludes with several unresolved cliffhangers, leaving the audience eager for more. Johnny’s bombshell announcement, Daniel’s decision regarding Stingray’s information, and the identity of the anonymous informant all create a sense of anticipation and suspense for future episodes.

Overall, “Extreme Measures” adopts a deliberate pacing and character-driven structure that deviates from the typical Cobra Kai formula. This approach allows for deeper emotional exploration, nuanced character development, and a sense of interconnectedness between the various storylines.

The slow-burn pacing, interwoven narratives, and cliffhanger endings all contribute to the episode’s effectiveness in building tension and anticipation for what’s to come in the next chapter of Cobra Kai.

Originality and Innovation in Cobra Kai episode 5 season 5

While episode 5 of Cobra Kai season 5, “Extreme Measures,” might not immediately strike viewers as an innovative and original piece of television, it subverts expectations and subtly injects originality in several ways:

1. Character-Driven Focus:

Deviating from the usual karate-fueled action, the episode prioritizes character emotions and relationships. The forced therapy session between Johnny, Miguel, and Robby dives deep into their internal struggles, offering a refreshing shift from external fights to internal battles.

This character-driven approach allows for genuine vulnerability and introspection, exploring themes of family, forgiveness, and grief in a nuanced way rarely seen in action-heavy shows.

2. Emotional Nuance:

The episode avoids stereotypical portrayals of emotions. Daniel’s descent into alcoholism isn’t romanticized or glorified, instead depicting the raw pain and loneliness of grief. Similarly, Johnny’s struggle with fatherhood isn’t simply comedic but showcases his clumsiness and genuine desire to do right by his children.

This emotional nuance adds depth and complexity to the characters, making them relatable and engaging despite their often flawed personalities.

3. Subtle Foreshadowing:

Instead of relying on blatant exposition, the episode utilizes subtle visual cues and sounds to foreshadow future events. The slithering snake imagery hints at Terry Silver’s manipulative tactics, while the anonymous envelope suggests a brewing rebellion against Cobra Kai.

This approach makes the viewers active participants in the storytelling, encouraging them to piece together clues and anticipate future plot developments.

4. Evolving Genre Blend:

While remaining firmly rooted in the karate-comedy genre, the episode incorporates elements of drama and even psychological thrillers. The therapy session resembles an intense hostage negotiation, while Chozen’s arrival adds a touch of mystery and intrigue.

This genre-bending approach keeps the narrative fresh and unpredictable, preventing viewers from settling into a comfortable routine.

5. Themes of Legacy and Redemption:

The episode delves into the complex themes of legacy and redemption. The characters grapple with the consequences of past actions, seeking forgiveness and atonement for their mistakes. This adds a layer of thematic depth that goes beyond surface-level karate rivalries.

Overall, “Extreme Measures” might not scream originality on the surface. However, its deliberate shift towards character introspection, emotional nuance, subtle foreshadowing, genre-bending, and exploration of weighty themes like legacy and redemption all contribute to a unique and refreshing addition to the Cobra Kai saga. This slower-paced episode offers a deeper emotional journey than usual, showcasing the show’s ability to evolve and surprise its audience.

Fan Appeal and Easter Eggs in Cobra Kai Season 5 Episode 5

While episode 5 might take a break from the usual Cobra Kai action, it doesn’t skimp on elements that appeal to the show’s dedicated fanbase. Here’s a breakdown of the episode’s fan appeal and hidden Easter eggs:

1. Character Interactions and Development:

 Cobra Kai fans live for the complex relationships and evolving dynamics between the characters. “Extreme Measures” delivers on this front, featuring long-awaited interactions like the Johnny-Miguel-Robby therapy session and Daniel’s reunion with Chozen.

 Witnessing these characters confront their past conflicts and forge new connections resonates deeply with fans invested in their journeys.

2. Deeper Dive into Lore and Mythology:

 The episode expands on the Cobra Kai universe with subtle references to past events and characters. Chozen’s arrival brings back memories of The Karate Kid Part II, sparking nostalgia and speculation about his role in the current storyline.

 Similarly, flashbacks to Mr. Miyagi and Kreese’s past encounters provide additional context to their ongoing rivalry, enriching the show’s lore for dedicated fans.

3. Emotional Payoffs and Catharsis:

 Cobra Kai balances humor and action with emotional depth, and “Extreme Measures” delivers on the latter. Fans invested in the characters’ emotional journeys find catharsis in moments like Miguel and Robby acknowledging their similarities or Daniel receiving support from Chozen.

 These emotional payoffs resonate with viewers who have followed the characters for multiple seasons.

4. Easter Eggs and Callbacks:

 The episode is peppered with subtle Easter eggs for eagle-eyed fans. The reappearance of Johnny’s old “Strike First, Strike Hard, No Mercy” poster from The Karate Kid is a nostalgic nod to the franchise’s roots.

Additionally, Chozen’s mention of Mr. Miyagi’s “death-touch” technique hints at potential training sequences in future episodes, exciting fans familiar with the classic films.

5. Setting the Stage for Future Developments:

 The episode concludes with several unresolved cliffhangers and plot threads, keeping fans engaged and speculating about what’s to come. The revelation of Carmen’s pregnancy, Daniel’s decision regarding Stingray’s information, and the identity of the anonymous informant all leave fans eager for the next chapter.

Overall, “Extreme Measures” might not be an action-packed extravaganza, but it caters to Cobra Kai’s passionate fanbase by focusing on character development, emotional moments, lore expansion, and subtle Easter eggs. The episode provides catharsis, sets the stage for future developments, and leaves fans feeling satisfied and eager for more. This is likely to resonate strongly with viewers who have invested in the show’s intricate web of relationships and the ongoing karate war.

Overall Enjoyment and Recommendation of Cobra Kai Season 5 Episode 5

Whether you enjoy “Extreme Measures” depends on your expectations and preferred style of storytelling. Here’s a breakdown of the good, the bad, and the overall recommendation:


 Character-driven focus: The episode delves deep into the characters’ emotional struggles and relationships, offering a different kind of depth than the usual karate action.

 Emotional nuance: The portrayal of grief, anger, and vulnerability feels genuine and relatable, avoiding stereotypical depictions.

 Subtle foreshadowing: Visual and audio cues hint at future events, making viewers active participants in the storytelling.

 Evolving genre blend: Elements of drama and psychological thriller add freshness and unpredictability to the narrative.

 Themes of legacy and redemption: The episode explores these weighty themes in a thought-provoking manner, adding depth to the overall story.

 Fan appeal: Easter eggs, callbacks, and long-awaited character interactions cater to the dedicated fanbase.


Slow pacing: The deliberate focus on character development might feel slow for viewers expecting the usual Cobra Kai fight sequences.

 Lack of action: If you crave exciting karate battles, this episode might disappoint.

Unresolved cliffhangers: The episode ends with several open questions, which could be frustrating for some viewers.


If you appreciate character-driven narratives, emotional depth, and subtle storytelling, you’ll likely enjoy “Extreme Measures” despite its lack of action. It’s a refreshing change of pace that offers emotional payoffs and sets the stage for exciting developments in the coming episodes.

However, if you’re solely looking for adrenaline-pumping karate fights, this episode might not be your cup of tea. You might want to skip ahead to episodes with more action if that’s your primary interest.

Overall, “Extreme Measures” is a well-crafted episode that takes a breather from the usual Cobra Kai formula to explore the characters’ emotions and internal struggles. It’s a rewarding watch for fans who appreciate thoughtful storytelling and emotional character development, but it might not satisfy those who solely crave action.

Ultimately, the enjoyment of this episode depends on your individual preferences. Consider what you most value in Cobra Kai and decide if you’re willing to experience a slower, more introspective chapter in the story.

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